The game is designed to be a moving artistic experience.Elegance is the key word in DARQ's art direction - it serves as a means of seduction, or an invitation for the player to step in and develop and emotional connection with the experience as they progress. The goal is to make the player like being there, even though being there involves facing their fears. 官方网站
游戏:《Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition》
游戏以尼博尔山森林为背景,玩家操纵树精灵奥里在林中探索,沿途面对各种障碍与敌人并逐渐成长。画面精美,故事情节生动感人。 官方网站
《Awkward Dimensions Redux》
They may be awkward dimensions, but they\'re my dreams... 官方网站
Trine Enchanted Edition is a beautiful fantasy action platformer with a fairytale-like atmosphere, following the journey of three heroes – a Wizard, a Knight and a Thief – in a quest to save the kingdom from evil. The gameplay is based on fully interactive physics – each character’s different abilities and tactics can be used to invent new ways to battle an army of undead and overcome obstacles, and restore the balance of the world. 官方网站
《A short hike》
Hike, climb, and soar through the peaceful mountainside landscapes of hawk peak provincial park. Follow the marked trails or explore the backcountry as you make your way to the summit. Along the way, meet other hikers, discover hidden treasures, and take in the world around you. 官方网站
《毛线小精灵》(英语:Unravel)是一款由Coldwood Interactive开发,EA发行的物理解谜平台游戏。游戏于2015年6月15日在E3 2015大会上公布,2016年2月9日发行。本作的主角是由纱线制成的小型拟人生物雅尼。续作《毛线小精灵2》已于2018年6月发行。 官方网站